Hobby project buliding a smaller 8" aperture version of the legendary
Obsession Telescopes. Since I was 14-years old when I started this project, I needed some guidance, so I consulted Kreige and Berry's book,
The Dobsonian Telescope.
Clicking the telescope image will bring you to a CAD model I drew up on the PTC OnShape platform that accurately matches the size of the telescope components. This CAD model however is not yet complete, as doing this can be very time consuming. It's currently lacking a primary mirror cell in the CAD and much of the components of the secondary cage.
• Annealed telescope optical blanks with 1800°F kiln
• Reverse engineering of existing plans to fit specific size requirements
• Utilized a CNC wood router for side rocker construction
• 100+ hrs hand grinding the telescope mirror
• Extremely stiff frictional bearing mounts for altitude and azimuth axis control
• Tight dimensional tolerancing of wood/metal structures
• Materials used: plate and borosilicate glass, marine grade plywood, birch plywood, aluminum, and steel
• Mechanical skills: trigonometric calculating for truss design, cantilever loading
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